Friday, October 26, 2012

Do not under estimate what you can do . You fear that by pursuring your goals you are risking what you already have. I know cause I have been there. But don't hold yourself back. Know that when you believe in yourself and take the chance to change yourself for the better , it will change the plates in your earth for the better...... Are you ready????????
How do find what you makes you special?

Ask yourself what you love doing and captures you interest.

You might discover it in the oddest of situations.
We need to put aside just a few minutes everyday to just sit with ourself. Not reading a book, or on our

computer, or watching T.V..

Time to be with self, without avoidance of what we are truly thinking about in our inner selves.

Time to sit in an open way. It might be uncomfortable at first but you will be able in time to be

quiet,listen what your inner voice is saying and get back in to the center of where every thing starts

and that's with "self"

Thursday, October 25, 2012


  Money/ Finances

 I am open to opportunity

 I value money

 I am the source of my abundance

 I deserve to be prosperous

 I am attracting money right now

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I am strong and secure

I have inner resources

I take charge of my life

I am a true, true friend

I am a success

I am courageous

I take action

I am intelligent
Most people don't realize that we all have the ability to cocreate our lives with the universe.

So many of us are taught to accept what we are given and not even to dream of anything more.

But our hope and dreams are the universe whispering to us, planting an idea of what's possible

while directing us toward the best use of our gifts. The Universe truly wants to give us our

heart's desires, but we need to be clear about what they are and ask for them....
Thoughts have power, thoughts are energy, and you can make your world or break it by your

own thinking.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

We create our lives by our perception. If we choose the beliefs , it will happen.

There are no limits to our desires.

Center yourself with a white beam of light from the top of your head. be quiet for a minute.....

Tell yourself what you want.....

Monday, October 22, 2012

Suffering happens when two things occur:

First, what's happening in this area in your life doesn't match your thoughts of the world.

Second, you believe with absolute certainty that you are powerless to change it.

Suffering occurs when you accept the limiting belief that you have no control over your life......
Some situations and circumstances are not within our control, but you can control what they

mean to you. You can choose to not let something bother you or upset you. You can choose to

overcome, to see the glass half full instead of empty. The choice is always ours.

Often we forget that we actually have the ability to choose because we are so used to living in

reaction to our environment........

Beliefs are like pathways in your mind. The longer the have been traveled, the more embedded

they become and the harder it will be to change them.

Beliefs will remain until it is replaced with a new one......

Friday, October 19, 2012

Your subconscious mind takes all of your fear,anxiety,and negative statements

as your requests and proceeds in it's own way to bring you obstacles, delays,

lack and limitation into your life...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

One of the main reasons some people never happy todays is that they continue to

relive unhappy yesterday's. they would rather revisit the pain of the past than plan

for a fantastic future. You can't change what has already happened to you.

You can get on with your life, and you can put safeguards into place to ensure a better tomorrow.
" All that we are is the result of what we have thought"- Buddha.

In modern times we call the power of the word"Affirmations"

These are bursts of electrical energy consciously directed into our brains to create a positive declaration

of what we want to become or achieve.

Every minute of our waking life, we are creating affirmations through our self talk, at a

rate of 150 to 300 words per minute or 45,000 to 51,000 thoughts per day!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thoughts become actions, thoughts are the origin of all actions. No action happens without a thought.

The aim is to control our thoughts so are actions are what we want to be and go to . The benefit of this

action is when we harness our thoughts , depression, anxiety, all negative things will disappear.
Thoughts have power, Thoughts are energy. And you can make your world or break it by your own

The world you live in and what you experience in life is largely the result of choices

you made based on what you think. It is easy enough to shrug off this responsibility

but the truth is that unless you change the way you think- you will not change.
Everything begins with thought power.